It’s finally here! RÉPUBLIQUE VR is now available for Samsung Gear VR and the all-new Oculus Go. We are thrilled to be releasing this reimagining of RÉPUBLIQUE, not just for VR enthusiasts, but for loyal fans of the original.
Much like the PS4 version, RÉPUBLIQUE VR began as a hacky prototype that morphed into eighteen-month full development endeavor, culminating in what we now consider to be the ultimate version the game’s vision. RÉPUBLIQUE VR includes all five episodes, all downloadable content, and both motion controller and gamepad control schemes.
True to Camouflaj form, we have added brand-new collectibles and made hundreds of tiny fixes under the hood, making this the smoothest and most complete République experience yet. With so few long-form, high-spec and fully-featured offerings available in VR, it’s our hope that players find RÉPUBLIQUE VR to be an essential killer app for Oculus Go and Samsung Gear VR.
The release of RÉPUBLIQUE VR carries good tidings for our other platforms as well. We’re next building an update that brings all of the design and bug-fixing lessons learned through VR development to Mac, PC, iOS, and Android. As always, please contact us at [email protected] with technical problems on any platform. Our customer support staff is glad to help.