I’m having difficulty downloading and installing République from the App Store.
First, have at least 1GB free on your device and make sure that you are connected to a good wifi network. The download will fail if it is interrupted at all, so try a stable connection at an internet cafe, public library, or other wireless source.
Restart your device, then follow these steps.
- Update to the latest version of République via the App Store.
- Launch République.
- If the game does not recognize your season pass or episode purchase, click the gear icon to enter the République options menu. Tap “Restore Purchases” and type your password. Don’t worry if the device doesn’t immediately respond. Even if the screen doesn’t provide feedback, the process is still working. (We are working to improve this in a future update.)
- At the République main menu, tap the Play icon. At the episode menu, tap on the down arrows on the episode you purchased. It may look like a shopping cart, but you’re still following the right steps to activate your purchased content without buying it again.
- République will offer a free download of your chosen episode.
- Let the download complete.
- When unpacking completes, answer the phone call that starts the episode that you downloaded.
- If the game hangs for more than 1 minute on this screen before starting the game, tap the X button on the corner of the screen to delete the download. Re-download the episode. It should no longer hang.